FNL will be hosting several coaches meetings over the next 2 weeks. We encourage every new and returning coach to come by and say 'hi', meet your competition, learn about our rules and regulations, ask questions to our senior refs and meet your league manager and commissioner! You'll also be able to pick up your footballs, flags and belts. These meetings run about an hour and they are designed to help you get up and running for our spring 2025 season! You MUST RSVP please.
Can't make it? No problem. There will be several more coaches meetings that will take place this week! More info on additional dates/times and locations coming soon!
PLEASE RSVP TO FNL: santabarbarafnl@gmail.com
Welcome to Santa Barbara FNL!
130+ teams participating this Spring!
1,100+ kids registered. 80+ COED Teams. 50+ ALL-GIRLS Teams.
OVER 400 Girls playing flag football this spring.
HAVE YOU NOT HEARD FROM YOUR COACH YET? There are still several FNL teams that are looking for a head coach. These teams will not start their games until early March so thank you for being patient as we work to secure additional volunteers! FNL is providing scholarships for anyone that may be interested in coaching one of these teams this spring. We also provide community service hours to those interested in helping with a team. Please reach out to FNL if you are willing to coach and join our staff of over 150 volunteers!
FNL is currently looking for head coaches this spring in many divisions. Join our team of 110+ volunteer coaches and make a difference in the lives of our young FNL athletes! No experience required. Only 1 practice a week. Training and support always provided. If you, or someone you know is willing to help coach some kids this spring, your child may be able to sign up and play!
Please email FNL for more info: santabarbarafnl@gmail.com
"All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and somebody who believes in them". -Magic Johnson
Spring 2025 Waitlist is Open.
FNL is finalizing our spring field permits so they know how many additional kids on the waitlist may be able to play. FNL will be reaching out to our waitlist players over the next few weeks as space becomes available. If you, or if you know someone that is able to coach a team this spring, please let FNL know as there may be immediate team placement for your child. To be placed on the waitlist, please email santabarbarafnl@gmail.com
Team Building
FNL is working on building over 130+ teams during the month of January. Team Rosters should be completed by the end of the month.
Coaches Meetings
FNL will be hosting several coaches meetings (new & returning) beginning on Jan. 30th. There will be several days/times and locations coaches may choose to attend. All coaches should plan to attend 1 meeting to discuss the spring season, meet our staff, talk to our refs and review our rules & regulations. Coaches will also be provided their team footballs, flags and belts at these meetings. Players should hear from their coach by early February.
Team Practice
Once coaches receive their team roster, 1 practice a week may begin. Most teams will begin to practice early February. Most teams will have only 2-3 practices before their first game.
Opening FNL Weekend
FNL Games are scheduled to begin the weekend of February 28th.
FNL Fields This Spring
All games this Spring at FNL will take place locally on Fridays and Sundays between February 28th - May 2nd. All teams will play 8 games before heading to playoffs so your child is not playing every Friday night and Sunday. Team game schedule will be available a couple of weeks before the season starts. Coaches will be allowed to request 1-2 byes during the season. FNL does not play during the weekend of Spring Break (3/28-3/30). Exciting multi-million dollar renovations are taking place on Santa Barbara city park fields which will limit our field access for Friday nights this season. All teams/players must be able to play on Sundays.
Additional Questions?
Please see our Spring 2025 F.A.Q. on the website! Thank you. Get ready for an exciting spring season at Santa Barbara FNL!
Santa Barbara FNL is now hiring referees for our Spring 2025 season. Students can earn over 50+ hours of community service this spring if hired. FNL refs earn between $80-$150 per night and up to $200 on Sundays. To apply, please see: BE A REF! at the top of our website and follow instructions! Thank you!
Questions? Go to santabarbarafnl@gmail.com
COED and ALL-GIRLS LEAGUE for the Spring 2025 season is now SOLD OUT.
Registration for FNL CHEER is still open!
Spring 2025 Season runs end of February through early May, 2025.
**Please note that due to limited fields and city park renovations in the spring, all games will be played locally on Friday nights and Sundays. All teams must be able to participate on Sunday game days.
Spring 2025 Game dates:
2/28, 3/2, 3/7, 3/9, 3/14, 3/16, 3/21, 4/4, 4/6, 4/11, 4/13, 4/18, 4/25, 4/27 (playoffs) & 5/2 (championship night)
Please register early!
Spring 2025 season will sell out.
Questions regarding the Spring 2025 season? Please email us at santabarbarafnl@gmail.com
Santa Barbara Friday Night Lights. Who we are and where we came from. Always a focus on the kids!
FNL League Manager
FNL Girls League Support